TuneBoy HomepageCompares the features of the TuneBoy product and the DynoJet PCIII.List of features of the TuneBoy diagnostics and TuneBoy Tune Editor.Find out how to buy this product online ...Tutorials for TuneBoy and TuneEdit.Download the latest programs and tunes.Links to TuneBoy tuning shops and other related linksDownload all tunes from this location


This is a list of the latest TuneBoy tunes for the Buell.

New tunes may require the latest TuneEdit.exe, this can be downloaded here.

Tune Number Base Tune Description
XB9R Std   XB9R standard map
XB9R Race   XB9R Race ECU map
XB12R Std   XB12R Standard map
XB12SS Std   XB12SS Standard map